Sunday, February 22, 2009

Doc says he will accompany me to Los Angeles to see Raymond's play

I was worried about my proposed trip to Los Angeles as my son Dan's hours have been cut so drastically on his job, due to the economy turn down here in Arizona, he cannot afford to go. My son Gary is taking a girlfriend and only has two seats, but I did not want to horn in on his mini-vacation, he takes so little time off. He has had to work weekends to make sure all the jobs get done right, so the construction company he works for stays afloat. Work is hard to come by right now. I hope he will find the time to go. My daughter Ronda starts her first nursing job Monday, and is committed to so many different things this coming month, she could find no way to leave.
That left me to go by bus or plane by myself. I just could not get too excited about a trip alone. Doc could see I was depressed so he said he would accompany me to Los Angeles! By plane or bus, whatever we decide. He has a healthy bank account for a poor guy, he is so frugal, so I thought well, this is a trip I would take with him. I did not want to take him to Utah, as he might not be able to handle so many family members on a trip, but he is quite enthusiastic about a trip to Los Angeles where he has even lived before for a few months. He is comfortable with cities, being from St. Louis, but not with the country.
He is going to take the camera and tripod and hopes to film some of the play if Raymond is willing or at least something of Raymond. He has promised to keep his mouth shut and behave himself during the play. So now I have perked up and feel better. I am not saying that such a trip won't have its ups and downs, but I am willing to take a chance in order to get to Los Angeles to see the play!
Oh Raymond called and said audiences have not been too big, but they have been enthusiastic. The man responsible for the grant money to do it was there opening night and he was very pleased with the progress of this play as a performance piece that could be done in other towns and cities. He called me after the play last night and said it was another good night.
I was excited because a whole van of Utah people are going to drive to Los Angeles next weekend to see the play, including my sister Margie and several nieces, a husband or two. I think my sister Linda will also see it then if she is able, as she plans to go as far as Los Angeles in the first segment of her move to San Francisco.
I am thinking about a weekend in March.


Pamela said...

I was too busy to make it to rehearsal. I look forward to seeing it soon, though.
Maybe I can meet you and Doc when you come.
Have a good weekend.

Helen said...

I hope you both have a fun and enjoyable trip. Helen

Paula said...

So glad Doc is doing this for you. I wish you both a good time.

kanyonland King said...

Great Idea. You two old folks can navigate the big city together! Great offer...very timely. Don't fall down!

Connie said...

Oh-I am so glad Doc is going with you.Now you won't get lost in that big city.I just know you'll have a great time...with you two-it couldn't be anything but good ....


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