Kevin, artist resident, Sister Linda, and me out talking fast and furious in the patio.
6am: I am going down to the patio around six to wait for my sister Linda who is meeting me there. I am wearing my tye dye dress above so she can see it before she goes back to San Francisco, since she loves her colorful costumes just as I do. I am taking a photo of her sculpture of me so I can show Kevin the artist. Also a photo of the picture an artist up home painted of my dad. He was a school mate of Linda's and was showing a great talent for art when he was in high school. She had not yet discovered she had drawing ability which did not happen until she was around 29, so she was a late bloomer. I don't have a photo of Linda's famous sculpture of Bukowski the writer, or of the other poets' sculptured heads she did on display at the Beat Museum in San Francisco I can show Kevin but I do have one I can show here.
I hope Kevin isn't sick or something and makes it out there.
I went down to the patio last evening about dusk and was sitting there alone. Jack came weaving and stumbling out there and fell down in front of the swing when he tried to sit in it. He fell under it so I had to lift it up while urging him to crawl out. Another man came along and helped him, and he asked him for cigarette. This man was a friend of his and went and got him a package. He told him, Jack, you need to sober up. Everybody likes you. We don't want to lose you in here!
I then tried to probe a little deeper as to why he had snapped so soon again. I asked him about his girlfriend and he said, oh, she doesn't care. He also said Linda, the manager didn't care as she had told him he was going to be evicted. I said, Jack, you are causing her problems. I said, what will you do if you go homeless, even a shelter won't take you this drunk. I said you can't lay around in this heat, you will die. He said, oh I will get in a shelter, very confidently.
He then told me that his girlfriend was too screwed up and that the reason he didn't date me was because I was too screwed up, so I concluded that all three of us were too screwed up!
I knew my problems were too much for Jack, but I was determined to address my issues no matter what. Doc helped me do that. Time was of the essence. I needed to get the secrets I had been forced to keep out to the world.
I had seen Jack's extreme style of drinking close up six years ago and concluded no woman probably had a chance of a normal relationship with him, so I stayed to a distance all the time trying to figure out what had happened to such an attractive man to make him act so crazy.
8:30 am: Kevin, Sister Linda, and I met as the photos above indicate, and they had a wonderful time discussing the sculpturing process and other stuff related to art. Kevin asked her questions about her life with Bukowski, and she talked about being intimidated by the poets of San Francisco, but she said she is slowly working up her self confidence and figuring out how she could handle them. She said the Beat Museum wants a sculptured head of Bukowski to display also, and she says she can get a replica for not too much money. She should because that one is really a work of art. I showed Kevin a picture of the sculpture she did of me. Linda is leaving for SF in a couple of days, but we got in a good visit.
Famous sculptured head of Bukowski by Linda King
P.S. Check out the great canyonlands photo on my sister Ann's blog, KanyonlandKing, and you will know why she picked that name for her blog. She is an intrepid hiker and has been in many of the canyons in that rugged Utah country just to go there and explore.
Thanks for the heads up...the sculpture looks good on site as well as the pictures of you all.
Wish Jack could have been there- sober too! Find and enjoy the sober people.
Have a good Friday!
Really like Linda 's sculpture. I tried ahand at it and made a few crude peices.
Sorry for Jack. He seems to be loveless careless man. Nothing to live for.
Your sis could be your twin..she is as lovely as you..such a shame about Jack wish he'd straighten up..he and Doc think they have nothing to live has not taught them well. What an artist your sis much talent in your family...
Couldn 't comment on the latest post, so Iam writing here.
Nice movie you made with Linda.
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