But not until after you have cleaned up the beaches where you live and alerted everyone to how disgusting littering our beaches and our oceans really is.
Mary Crowley has gone out there in her 'elegant square-rigged ship' to study this dump and see if she and her supporters can fix it! There are millions of tons of garbage swirling around in a vortex in the Pacific. Some of it rolls up on beaches such as this Hawaiian one leaving a giant clean up problems.
She says we need to stop dumping garbage in the ocean!! Right, but how do we get people to stop doing it. It is so big, but now look what has happened.
I salute Mary Crowley and Kelli Nelson and all the Ecco Moms who are determined to clean up the earth. I hate litter bugs and always have. I was always yelling at my kids, "Don't litter."
My Aunt Nethella was my example who would go for her walk with a big garbage bag and clean up the trash from in front of people's homes who wouldn't do it.
Good for both you ladies. I don't know what the answer is but I'm never too good to bend over and pick it up. I wish there was some way litter could be gone through and take down names and addresses and make the trashy littering piece of junk person pick it up.
If there is one thing I have tried to emphasize to my grandchildren is that this is THEIR planet and it is their job to take care of it-starting now. My son that lives with us is a recycler and he has taught his daughters we do NOT litter. The girls know what to do with newspaper, plastics, and cardboard. So I am proud of that. We have made so many messes in this world and something needs to be done-NOW. Great entry. Hope you are doing well and keeping cool.
Barb (queenb)
What to do with all the trash staggers the mind. I fill up cans myself that are taken out to the dump...how to make the world liveable and take care of the trash it makes are hugh jobs. I praise those who figure the ways to handle trash. Recycling is just the start.
OHHH thank you so much! You really need to e mail about stuff like this! LOL The last few days I have been so busy that I have not had time to get on blogger.
I think alot of the ocean dump-stuff is these cruise liners opening the hatch and letting it rip...not to mention air liners...
would be a good project for the chain gang don't ya think....
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