The above graphic always makes me feel calm when I look at it. I have returned to meditation this evening after a tumultuous day. I had a comforting message from Raymond that he had received financial help to get him through another month in Texas at least. I am so happy he will have the chance to do his one man show in a festival at another theater four more dates this month. We have been e-mailing each other and even did text messaging on gmail. He said he was feeling the power of God in this answer to a prayer. He was coming down with a bad cold, so will probably not be able to blog about it today.
I go to the eye doctor tomorrow for another post op check and received in the mail my date to have my other cataract surgery on the 20th. My daughter Ronda has reported that she will be available to drive me home and back later in the day for a post op visit to the doctor and home again.
When I told her about my neighbor she asked me if I did not think another HUD complex wouldn't be better with less younger people with problems. I thought of moving to the Silvercrest down the street last summer when I split with Doc, and if anything happened to him I would think very seriously of moving over there. As it is I can go down to Doc's part of the day and we are still doing videos together. He has never been threatening at all, even though I get tired of his drinking, but I doubt he will change much. I enjoy him more than anyone I know in the morning after he has had a good night's sleep. We are so compatible in our interests. I am afraid I would be very lonely somewhere else without him as he has proved to be quite an intellectual companion for me. I naturally wish he did not drink so much, but I wish I did not eat so much. It is hard for an overweight person to get too indignant about some other person's excesses. Especially when I have such a hard time losing. Even when I want to.
But I am going to continue to meditate on these addiction problems to see if I can find the key to more control.
Nothing much else has happened today. Management has not responded to any incident reports that may have been filed. This afternoon my neighbor was served with restraining order papers, and according to two uniformed men who were at his door when I came home, he has to appear in court this week. I think he called them. He and the other person, a woman, seem to be calling the police on each other.
Old ladies and young men with behavior problems do not seem too good of mix in a housing complex, but I was here first, so we will see. Doc would never move over to the Silvercrest. It is Salvation Army, and that is too 'religious' for him. I would not be able to do the things I do with him or breakfast with him every day as I do if we did not live in the same complex.
I just pray for more peace in here. There are a lot of troubled people in here and I try to spread calm whenever I can. Nikita, the new chair person of the tenants' organization and the other officers just opened the newly remodeled, painted, and cleaned up video room which is now a big spacious room to hold our collection of videos and will also feature a computer online for residents to tap their e-mails. I was glad to see what a good job they have done. That will help cheer up the residents and give them more to do. It also features a big wide screen and two flat screens for exercise tapes, etc.
So now I am getting ready to meditate and to pray for oil over troubled waters.
I really hope things settle down there. I hate drama! I have enough with my job so my home HAS to be peaceful.
Have a good night.
May your meditation be fruitful for you.
Stay calm. I've been under attack irrationally by some who were otherwise gentle people. No reacdtion is best, but if you have to respond make sure it isn't something that will stir him up.
Have a peaceful day my lady.
I hope you have a tranquil day Gerry.
It is good that you have Doc to speak and socialise with.
The new remodelled video room sounds like a good communal recreational place to visit.
Thank goodness Raymond got his financial help and that Ronda was able to take you to your appointment.
Take care.
Jeanie xxx
I'm thinking maybe I need to start meditating. Hope you're having a stress free day.
Glad to hear things have settled down enough that you can get back to your meditation. I think it has been very helpful to many people. I am not a very good meditater but I try to quiet my mind for long periods of time. One can get their best inspiration during that time. There are so many advantages for you at the Westward Ho I hope you don't have to move to another complex. Your neighbor will probably be more careful about his erratic behavior now that he knows more are aware. Drugs can create such havoc in life, but so long as you are careful I think you will be alright. You are bound to feel better after your surgery is over too. That makes one nervous no matter what. Glad to hear Ronda can be with you.
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