most peculiarly
I am subject to allergic reactions
that puzzle me
a heavy feeling
am I dying
is someone else dying
at last I recall
I am subject to allergic reactions
most peculiar
the heavy feeling
means I was subjected
to a temperature rise
my body could not handle
that is all
nothing to worry about
a too heavy quilt
such a delicate creature
I do not know how I will
manage to die
I cant even imagine
being that sick
enough to step off
into space
without a body
there is always
that to worry about
when things are going
so well
I better get ready
say hello to uncle ned
and aunt bertha
lets hope they are there
then I will know
I am in the right place
let us see says aunt bertha
you experienced a heavy feeling
didnt feel right
something like that
an uncomfortable feeling
my body could not handle
at all
oh oh
this is serious
getting more uncomfortable
by the moment
allergic to life
severing the tie
right now
jump up and go
oh no trial run
not yet not now
I would have such
a comfortable life
if I did not know
nobody lives forever
What a beautiful flower to be allergic to. One must watch out!
I hope you are feeling better now.
Maybe we can just slip away in our sleep. That would be he best way to go. When your there...just don't come back. The waking up is what is hard. I think that's how Grandma Porter went.
Gety well soon Gerry
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