Friday, May 29, 2009

Having lunch at Thai Elephant with daughter Ronda

Our meals were so delicious. I had tofu with bamboo shoots, bean sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, onion, carrot, green beans, and brown rice. She had shrimp and she loved her vegetables, too. She was coming from her first job as a nurse at Good Sam's not far away. Of course, we talked about nursing as I am always eager to hear how she is doing, how she likes it and so on She is thinking now of becoming a teacher of nurses eventually because she does not like nurse hours, which usually include weekends. She has had a west coast swing dance club hobby for years and can't go when she has to work. Nor can she go out with her husband as she is accustomed to doing.
Her husband is doing very well as he is slated to take over the general manager job in his company with 250 employees under him in just a month or two. What a conscientious guy he is! Whenever you go to their house he is right there helping Ronda every minute. He will wash the dishes. He is not above any task. And in the 12 years they have been together. I have never seen him get angry! But he is so energetic and task oriented I can see how he could inspire employees!
We had a very nice time and I bought some of my generous porportion home for supper. I am glad I got to take Ronda to my favorite restaurant. Chad, her husband in photo below.

Oh, folks, my sister Linda still struggling with her numb hands has posted another entry in her blog Vooman's Voice. (check it out on my blog list) I am so glad to see her writing, rising above her worries about her ailments. My sister Ann, the perpetually baby sitting grandma, said that she thinks she is going to have time to start a blog. With so many who migrated from AOL not posting very often, we need all the new bloggers we can get! My son Dan said he was even thinking of starting a blog. I said oh what will the name of it be so I can check it out. He said "It Sucks." I said oh. I did check out a sucks blog but it wasn't his, so I will have to tell him that lovely name might be taken. He is also helping son Dante to start a blog so he can communicate to his friends while he is in California for the summer. I think the sooner Dante gets started the better blogger he will become. That is probably why he wanted to make a video so he can embed it in his blog!
Our family has had a family website for years. I don't know what we would do without a place to read all the family news and see recent photos. Now some of the frequent writers and contributers are branching out to blogs.
Linda is an entertaining poet. I hope she will soon post some of her latest. Ann is always working on a book. And she has written some good poetry, too, mainly a book about growing up on a ranch and cow punching with my dad. Ann became his main go to daughter, after I left home. My sister LaRae rebelled and went off to work in a jam factory one summer to get away. I remember her declaring she would never milk cows again, while I quite liked milking and so did Ann. We had a loving relationship with milk cows. Ha.

Here is Linda in a meeting with a SF poet. She has already been to a poetry reading. I think SF will inspire her to write poetry as they have a very big society of poets there. They even have poet laureates of the city. I hope Linda will tell us more about her poet friends.


Missie said...

Have a good weekend.

Amrita said...

Nice reading about Rhonda,her kind husband, and Linda. She looks great in the photo.

Is Rhonda Jamal 's Mom?

The Thai food sounds delicious. I 've had tofu. Its like our paneer.You must try some Indian food too.

Connie said...

My neice is a nurse and didn't like the hours so she is teaching nursing in a University.She loves that.Plus I think she makes more money.but she made pretty good being a nurse.Your daughter is very pretty.

Pamela said...

I don't miss having to work weekends, that's for sure! There are a lot of other things she can do if she wants "regular" hours. She is not stuck in the hospital. It took me years to figure that out.
Good luck to her!


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