I had some day yesterday having been called on the phone about 35 times by Doc who was agitated over the thoughts of doing this play reading (new to him) of "The Prince from Saturn" in which he would have to suggest the characters of a 22 year old retarded schizophrenic, a 14 year old 'bassetball' player, and an 18 year old high school jock. I admit this would be a stretch for any actor, let alone one 71 years old, but finally this morning he said he would do it, but he was going to need props, a 'bassetball', a werewolf mask of sorts, a baseball cap, etc. and I knew the theater place we could buy the mask, up on McDowell. I also need a doll to be the baby.
But Raymond called last night wanting a copy of "Happy Hello" as he has been talking to a group of men who are discussing building a theater up there, and he would like this script to show them. So I must hold up the reading until I can get that sent. In fact as soon as I get done with this entry I am going to send it off to him. Then I need to look for another script of Prnce from Saturn so I won't have to redo that one and use up my precious cartridge.
Raymond says he is having a hard time finding places he can access the Internet. He is playing guitar and singing about 4 nights a week at the Boulder Mountain Lodge, and he says he has been busy writing new songs for his job and the festival.
They are getting excited about the festival now. He has got a singer he met in Los Angeles who is from New Zealand coming to sing in it She is a recording artist who said she would help him all she could to promote his original songs. I know she will love Boulder. That is beautiful country.
Maggies ledge is the view from my niece Cheryl's Boulder vacation home. My sister LaRae bought the property and her husband built the house.
You and Doc crack me up!
I do hope that all goes well for Raymond. I have been to col. but I am not sure if I have been to Boulder.
I hope you and Doc have a great weekend!
Sounds like you are ready to move ahead on your next play. Doc is hanging in there. I will be interested in seeing what you do.
The Blue glasses were certainly a find!
Hope you and Doc have fun this weekend. Tell Raymond hi for me. I'm glad things are going well for him.
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