Sunday, July 11, 2010

I am going deaf and loving it! Huh?

Doc insisted on making this video today because he wants the world to know what a job he is having to get me to hearing center. He claims I only hear half of what goes on. He is very annoying as he asked me after every clever line, "Did you hear that?" If I say yes, he does not believe me and asks me what they said. I probably haven't been hearing everything for years because my hearing was never keen. I found that out when I tried to learn a foreign language. It also interferes with my ability to sing. Naturally my hearing has gotten a little worse over the years, but he is suffering over it a lot more than I am!

1 comment:

Amrita said...

Couldn 't see the video as it didn 't show up. I suffer from hearing loss and know its a great struggle. Please see a doctor Gerry.


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