We had a wonderful time after the graduating ceremony was over at the civic center in downtown Phoenix. Afterwards we took photos and went back to the Arizona center for dinner. (I said it was a very long ceremony. I think 200 doctors, masters and bachelors got a hug, too, and we were told what job they were going to get. ) Ronda was pleased because I had run into a fabulous sale at the New York Company right there in the Arizona center and we went back and exchanged the blouse for a smaller size. We took maroon silk instead of bronze because they hardly had any left. We were lucky. Chad gave her a watch and a picture frame for her second graduation diploma from ASU. (She went back) Her brother Dan was there to help her sons Jamal and Ethan, Chad and me celebrate with her. It was just the most pleasant family dinner imaginable. A great day. (Thank you, Connie, for the beautiful Xmas frame.)
Congratulations to your daughter. That's wonderful!
Congratulations to Ronda.
Glad you all had a lovely time.
Merry Christmas dear lady
Congratulations Ronda. I know you are very proud as you should be.
Congratulations to Ronda! I know you are so proud of her.
Enjoyed the pictures. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time!
I am so very happy for you all.
What a proud moment for you and your daughter.
Give Ronda my best wishes and congratulations.
Catch a cuddle from me to you too.
Merry Christmas to you all.
Jeanie xxx
I am so glad for her. This has been a long hard pull a nd I'm sure she felt like the end would never get there. It does sound like such a good time. She's going to be so successful. She worked so very hard. A big congratulations to her. I am happy for her. And glad to hear that you all had such a nice time together.
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