I am one of those people that likes to open and give presents all during December, so I have given Doc his first one, two new towels from Mervyn's going out of business sale to go with the cranberry bath mat I bought him several weeks ago, pictured in the photo above. He needed to get rid of those ratty old towels NOW.
Here I am in my new Christmas hat.
I have been to the thrift store this morning and bought a brand new pair of black boots for around $3.50. Today was senior citizen 30 percent off day. I love this store! I take size 11 in boots so I rarely find any my size in the thrift store.
I bought wrapping paper, very pretty. I also found Doc a Xmas shirt that will match his hat with the green hat band! And several books to add to my collection, from which I will select book gifts for the family. That is always so much fun matching up books with personalities and interests.
Raymond caught a bad cold in the damp weather in L.A., but I hope the sun came out today and warmed him up. I am finding his blog fascinating, so if you aren't too busy check out how a playwright takes his plays to L.A. and finds a way to get them up. He should blog this experience. He will be making history. (Not many try this) http://cowboysandbohemians.blogspot.com
I even enjoyed the bus ride with all of humanity having fun getting ready for Xmas it seems. The whole bus load was in a good mood
The sun is back to shinning here in southern California. I am a hat person and I love to wear my hats. Amber also wears a size 11, so finding a good deal on that size boot is awesome!
Have a good week!
Love your hat. Nice picture.
I like your hat Gerry.
What a shame about Raymon going all the way to LA and catching a bad cold.
We have had minus 5 over here in the Lakes and today we woke to snow. It's a bit warmer now.
That's a warm colour for a bathroom mat. I like it.
Hugs to you
Jeanie xxx
What great gifts for Doc...knowing he must really love them....and good deals too. Love your hat...looks so nice on you. Hope you have a great Tues. hugs and love,
Finding a size 11 shoe is very hard and I take an 11 wide. I never find anything even in my best thrift stores. That is a great find and I am SO happy for you!!!!! Glad you bought the towels. What is it with men who don't replace anything like that? Sorry about Raymond's cold. Hope he gets to feeling better. I've had this crud as I call it three times in the last two months. Today I got my Dr. to call me in a prescription for some high powered antibiotics, what is known as a Z pac. It should knock it out. I can't remember the last time I felt good. I do love thrift store shopping though and wish you and I could go to some here. I always find great deals!
You and your hats. They are becoming your icon.
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