Thursday, November 25, 2010

I love social networking when it puts me in touch with my kids and grandkids, other friends, and relatives on a Thanksgiving morn

It's six AM and I am up early thinking to write an early blog entry before I get dressed and go down to Doc's for coffee and reading the paper. My daughter Ronda will be here at 9:30 to pick me up to go to her house. When I went on Facebook before writing on my blog I saw that my sons, Gary and Raymond had both posted for Thanksgiving as well as my granddaughter, Laura. Raymond is in Texas and Laura is in Flagstaff. My nephew Scott had posted some glorious photos he had taken in Sedona and the Monument Valley. He is also staying part time to my son Gary's house, so he had posted a good new photo of him. What a treat. My other granddaughter Kelly Anne I noticed later had an entry. Dad Gary was wishing his daughters Kelly Anne and Laura a Happy Thanksgiving. I was touched a couple days ago to find that Kelly Anne's son Travis, and my great grandson, was old enough to go on Facebook and he was commenting on a photo of his mom, saying, "U are beautiful, Mom."
My niece Cheryl had posted since I was on there last night and throughout the day I expect to see more Utah relatives posting. This is fun! When you just can't see everybody on a holiday because they live in different states!
Today I expect to see my grandsons Jamal and Ethan. I must take my camera and get new pictures of them. I am thinking maybe I will take some of Ethan outside as it is so beautiful out where he lives. The last time I was out there we took Bailey, the family dog, for a walk out to the edge of the pristine desert. There is no desert terrain more beautiful than Arizona saguaro country, which is lush compared to some deserts. I never get tired of looking at it.
My son Dan will be picked up by Ronda as well so he won't have to ride his motor cycle 40 miles north. My grandson Dante has been here visiting him, but Ronda said his mom's Thanksgiving is too close to ours so he needed to go to it. I was hoping to get him over here so I can make a video with him. Maybe before he leaves! I will be talking to Dan about it today. Dante and I have not made a video since he moved to California to go to high school. He is staying with an aunt and uncle who live in the Lucerne Valley, close to Los Angeles. Dante is going to be a well traveled young man by the time he is 18, but his dad joined the navy to see the world, and always advises people to travel all they can when they are young, including his son.
Doc will be staying home. Drinking confines him to a very small world at his age. He can only be his better self now when in his relatively tiny apartment. He starts showing signs of brain damage when he has to adjust to very much. He will have to be content with a Thanksgiving plate my daughter will send to him.
My sister Linda just got back on line after she had to make a traumatic move from her apartment in San Francisco because she got allergic to something in it, she thinks mold or a gas leak, maybe both. Finding another apartment close by her daughter's in San Francisco was not easy, then moving took time. She came on the family site last night saying she had finally got hooked back up to the Internet! Hooray! We need our social networking now to feel connected enough.
I will be reading blogs, checking out what my blogging friends are doing for the holidays, see what photos they took, and in general making a holiday run on the Internet, but not until after I get back from my daughter's. Goodbye now, I am on my way to my first stop at Doc's. I promised an early visit this morning since I will be gone all day. Photos later on this evening!

P.S. Ronda had called Doc's while I was over to the Circle K buying a paper, banana, etc. I called her back to hear that she, Chad, and Ethan were all sick with a cold and had been up most of the night with Ethan. Dan also called Ronda at 2 AM and said he was sick with a fever and didn't think he should come to the dinner. So quite sensibly she decided they all needed to recover and have dinner at some future date. I didn't want to go encounter 2 different germs. Thank goodness, Chad and Ronda are off for the holidays so they can all get better before going back to work and school on Monday. Doc and I have plenty of food. I am trying to cut down on delicious meals more all the time. So I am always happy for a good excuse not to eat one!


Bohemian Cowboy said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Mom. I'm still struggling to find a place to live, but am optimistic about all the music and entertainment possibilities here. I played an open mike Tuesday night and shook up the house. Its a matter of time, (short I hope). I can crack open this town, and work towards that goal. Sorry to hear about everyone's sickness, when I arrived here I immediately got very sick for a few days, but am feeling better in the last couple of days. There is so much musical energy here, I went and saw Slaid Cleaves last night, I know I can do what he does... much love, R. (the second son)

Missie said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you and your family are having a wonderful day!

salemslot9 said...

sorry to hear
that your thanksgiving
plans were canceled
due to illness
I hope they
all feel better, soon
you can share
a meal together
in the near future
happy thanksgiving, Gerry


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