Tuesday, June 30, 2009

$1000 check sends homeless couple, Ken and Casey, into buy, buy, buy mode (Prince from Saturn, Act II, Scene 6)

The big check they have been waiting so long for finally comes and Ken and Casey arrive in a taxi to show Jana their purchases and a plan to take her out for a Chinese dinner. Jana just wants the $75 she was charged to house them and the baby when their check was delayed. She tries to slow them down but they have so many plans for that money, she figures they will be broke in a few days. They leave in a taxi, announcing they are flying to Oregon to show Casey's dad Baby Maureen.
I wrote this scene from life, almost verbatim from what really happened.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Your new header is beautiful. I'm sure that story is true. I've known some very simliar. Wonder what happened to saving for a rainy day?


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