I want one of those scarves! I also want one of the shawls as soon as I can afford it at Farmer's Market. I must use my money for a trip to the dentist on Monday. I bought one of her baby blankets for my great grandaughters.
The Cox man came but could get nothing to work either, so decided to try a new modem and just like that everything was back. I was so happy to see it. The charge for the modem will be on next month's bill. Good thing as I am going Monday for an extra cleaning.
I still needed Dan to come with his cell phone so he could check it out with Cox. The Cox man has to get the new modem on my account and then it is good to go.
It is always good to have a son who knows his way around the computer better than I do. He was mad at his boss and was ready to go back to Utah, but I could see he didn't really mean it as he will look for another way to earn money here he said. Right now he is staying to my grandson's Jamal's out in Tempe who has rented a one bedroom apt. but was looking for a roommate. Dan is riding the fast transit in from Tempe. He needs a part for his motor cycle. His back was already sore from the 15 hour days he is putting in.
I called my sister Linda back who had left several messages on my online phone I could not retrieve. We had a good talk. She made me laugh by saying her son Scott has decided that Raymond could play Bukowski as good as anyone especially in a low budget movie. He is talking to some guys now who are interested. Bukowski is tough to play, but I have seen Raymond play drunks extremely well. Linda hoped it would not cause him to drink to try to play a drunk. Well, there is a ways to go. I am going to tell Raymond to go to You Tube and study all the Bukowski videos on there and see if he can get him and then get someone to video him an audition. He needs to audition for this role, show he can do it. I would film him on my camera if he was in Phoenix. People up there need to get video cameras if they are going to be in the entertainment business, so they can advertize on You Tube.
I have been so distracted that I could not even think about a new video.
Oh my goodness, I made the best soup today out of the veggies and organic hamburger I bought to the Farmer's Market. I sliced the corn off four cobs and put it in along with some black beans I bought in a can over there, too, plus onion, pepper, and 2 cans of diced tomato. I browned the meat and onions and pepper and added the rest and it was done in the few minutes it takes to cook corn. Oh, I also added a tablespoon full of honey as it was a little tart. Umm, good!
I offered some to Doc for using his computer. (he came up to check to see if mine was fixed, but food does not turn him on as it does me. He said I could bring some over tomorrow, so I went hunting another gentleman to offer some soup to who might appreciate it more. I will see what he says. I hate to give my wonderful soups to those with indifferent tastes! Since that is about all I make now days. No desserts!
I used to collect shawls, love that one. And those tomatoes, omg. Great pix.
maybe, Fuzzbut and
that lady would
like some soup
Glad to see you are back on line, fixed! Rolain gave me two Escalante tomatoes...they were devine! and some cucumbers that were good too. Tom gave her some onions from his. His corn froze before it could get ripe, but he has made serval pans of summer squash and onions. Very tasty.
The shawls are in lovely colors.
salemslot, I have thought a lot about that lady, but due to past experience I do not connect to someone who has begun to disconnect, does not relate, who has been a stranger to me. We have people in here who take on the care of such people to the extent they get overburdened themselves and have to be told to back off. Linda is under the eye and care of the HUD coordinator now who visits her periodically to see how she and the cat are doing. She is so thin and poor I would say she is about to the crisis stage, but I certainly applaud Fran the coordinator's reluctance to move on this too soon. I think she is doing a fantastic job of handling Linda's case. Linda at this point is too much for me. Another old lady on my floor went through this kind of crisis a couple of years ago. There are always a number of residents on the edge. People in here are very helpful on the whole and do what they can to relieve the situation.
"Pretty In Pink"
Oh the modem is not such a major problem, that can be fixed by the phone company. I liked the pix of the farmer 's market. Those scarves look super
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