Here is a photo of Boulder heading toward the School House Ledge. We used to climb them all when I was a kid. This ledge was right by the school house so it got climbed the most. The boldest climbers went right up over the front. My little sister Linda got ledged on the front once and had to be rescued via lasso rope. Anywhere this is the place my son Dan has been spending the last two summers, getting back to his roots. His summers have been very enjoyable there as I hear he wants to return again next summer. He got to use his computer skills helping his cousins with their book projects and the web sites, he helped his brother Raymond build his set and stage his play on top of Thompson's ledge, and he put in a couple of days a week working in his cousin Camille's Dairy Freeze. I think he partied to the very Salt Gulch Ranch his Great Grandfather King homesteaded. Ann said she told them she was born in that cabin on that ranch and she was.
He knows my computer so I have been waiting for him to return home and work his magic on it. I think he had to be back to work either yesterday morning or today, so when he gets himself squared around maybe he can come and find me. I don't even have a phone as it quit working online, so he will have to wander around and find me. It's going to be 111 degrees today so he will find me in the pool this afternoon!
I hope to be fixed up very soon, anyway.
Read Raymond's blog Cowboys and Bohemians to find out what happened after the mighty wind died down. They actually had 40 people drive up on Thompson's Ledge (takes 4-wheel drive)on a Tuesday night to closing night. Which I count as great success. Although Raymond is doubting his sanity still, but then that's theater, insanity but magic!
As a mom myself, I must say that no matter how old your children are, when they come, they should let you know. LOL
Well, he could not call me. Ha. My online phone quit working!
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