I went through my Saturday Morning ritual, shopping at Farmer's Market set up across the street in a parking lot. No watermelons today though. Guess season is over, but I stocked up on ingredients to make my all time favorite potato salad, which includes corn off the cob and green beans, small potatoes, and poblema (sp) peppers roasted, red vinegar and olive oil dressing, flavored with chives. I didn't get as much as my recipe calls for so as to try not to make a pig out of myself. On the farm when we made a delicious meal everyone ate too much. It's a problem!
I didn't buy any of the purses in the header photo but they always tempt me. I might buy one of the big denim ones for my daughter for Xmas. That's what I am thinking.
Bought fresh plums and a pear for snacking. Oh my barley soup had too much barley in it. I put a cup in to boil instead of a half a cup. That would have been plenty! The barley seemed to multiply more overnight. An old dog can always learn new tricks. Farmers used to raise oats for their horses and wheat for the pigs, but rarely barley, so we didn't cook it. But my favorite cereal was cracked wheat with good cow's cream on it.
I got some beautiful tomatoes, of course, cucumbers, and avocado so I think I am good for the week. My favorite fresh vegetable is the tomato. My mother taught me to make soup by sauteing onion in butter and scalding ripe tomatoes, peeling them, and adding them. With fresh bread and butter to eat with it, there was never a better farmer's dish on this earth! She would add a little honey or sugar and salt and pepper. I love my fresh pepper ground from peppercorns. I could never go back to the other as it now tastes stale!
Find a Farmer's Market for some mighty good eating!
Your salad sounds great. I would like a bite! The purse picture makes quite the header. Very interesting. I was glad to hear that Linda returned, back to herself once more.
I like all those purses. We have been getting a lot of fresh peaches and cantaloupe this summer but they are all gone now. I could get some fresh veggies but It's hard to stand on my feet long enough to cook them. She had some fresh okra frying the other day and boy did it smell delicious. I didn't see it but smelled it and asked her. Helen
Its calling me too Gerry (smiling). love the bags
I LOVE fresh tomatoes.A friend gave us a few plants of a type their ancesters brought the seeds over from Italy,they are a paste type but I have never had one as tasty,plump and meaty as these.They kinda curl at the tip and are elongated like a regular paste tomato..wish I could get one to ya to try. In a few days whatevers left in the garden will be ruined.It's getting colder at night now...and not as warm during the day. I shudder to think of winter coming....
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